1. | Feature | OpenStreetMap can be used as a background. To toggle the map press Ctrl + M, or choose View | Map menu item, or click the corresponding button on the toolbar. |
2. | Change | The Track Properties pane displays total values for all selected tracks (total distance, number of points and so on). |
3. | Improvement | If a map tile is not available, a less detailed tile is displayed instead. |
4. | Improvement | The markers of the current and selected track points were updated to be visible on the map. |
5. | Improvement | When zooming the map using the mouse wheel the point under the cursor keeps its position on the screen. In the previous version the stable point was in the center of the map window and the cursor position was ignored. |
6. | Improvement | Now the mouse wheel scrolls the list under the cursor. In the previous version it affected the focused window. |
7. | Improvement | The map projection was improved (especially on world or country zoom levels). |
8. | Improvement | The Quick Launch dialog design and behavior were improved. Added Getting Started section. |
9. | Improvement | You can disable Quick Launch window on start-up. To display it again choose View | Quick Launch menu item. |
10. | Fixed | The application hung if a warning message appeared while the application window was minimized. |
11. | Fixed | A track structure was not correctly saved in GPX file. |
12. | Fixed | The map dragging worked wrong on small scales. |
13. | Fixed | Fixed typos. Updated track colors. |